Reduced, compressed, shorter workweek benefits staff, users and employer

toa-heftiba-703461-unsplash-man-in-water-reading-forReduced compressed shorter workweek benefits staff users and employer

A reduced (shorter, compressed) workweek is one of our most popular topics. We regular receive feedback from our readers regarding the reduced workweek.

Reduced Work Week – Semaine du travail réduite (May 28, 2017 )

 Mise a jour semaine du travail reduite – UPDATE, Reduced Work Week (September 17, 2017)

Reduced workweeks are alternative work arrangements where a standard workweek is reduced to fewer than five days, and employees make up the hours per-week or by working longer hours, or exchanging benefits.

At the first meeting of the Work Life Balance committee in August 2017, the employer (MUHC) was receptive to the idea of a reduced workweek and requested the union (MUHCEU) identify the departments that could be part of a pilot project, on a voluntary basis.

“Before my retirement in mid October 2017, the committee was established and the MUHC confirmed their openness to the reduced workweek,” Manuel Fernandes former union representative MUHCEU. “If staff is interested in a reduced workweek, I would recommend they;”

  • First see if any of your co-workers are also interested.
  • Then either for yourself, or as a group, approach your manager.
  • If your manger is willing, they should contact HR and together with you can view the various options – see below.
  • You can also contact your union for support, and certainly you should contact your union if you receive a negative response from your manager.

Some of the available options:

Appendix P and Y, National Agreement

That Appendix P and Y from the National Contract be applied, to reduce the work week buy allowing employees to increased the number of work hours per day. Certain coordinators at the MGH, (Also at the RVH before the move to the Glen), are scheduled 12 hour shifts.

Article 9.06.B, National Agreement

Conversion of night shift premiums to time off as per Article 9.06.B, National Agreement. The union is asking that this article be applicable to all MUHC employees allowing them to choose to either, be paid their night premium, or convert the premium into time off.

Letter of agreement 36, National Agreement

Using a combination of holidays, sick days to reduce the work week to 9 days.

Note: “Regular updates were given during my report at the biweekly MUHCEU executive meetings and the file was also presented at the union Council. During the transition phase the file was updated.” Fernandes

National Collective Agreement: