Pay Equity Settlement For 65,000 Workers Is Entirely Independent of Contract Negotiations

Releasing news of a pay equity settlement as union workers are to vote on a new tentative contract may unintentionally inflate the monetary gains (Photo: / Pexels)

Following the FSSS-CSN, the largest union organization in the health and social services and child care network, proclamation it had reached a pay equity settlement affecting 65,000 workers, Manuel’s Blog received questions regarding pay equity and the new tentative agreement.

With many undertakings, timing is of the utmost importance. Releasing news of a pay equity settlement when union workers are to vote on a new national contract tentative agreement may confuse union members by unintentionally inflating monetary gains in the new contract.

The clarification: 

Pay Equity is entirely independent of national contract negotiations or votes. 

A law exists: 

The Pay Equity Act, which obliges Quebec employers with ten or more employees* to review whether employees in jobs traditionally or performed mainly by women are paid less than employees in comparable positions traditionally or done primarily by men. 

An organization exists: 

Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) oversees the management of pay equity law in the province. Every five years, employers must perform a thorough and properly documented pay equity audit, then post the results for their workers to view and send a report to the CNESST. Or face a fine of up to $45,000 for the first offence. 

And finally, if all else fails: 

The Quebec court, Tribunal administratif du travail (TAT), will hear and decide on pay equity cases. 

In conclusion: 

It is excellent news about the pay equity settlement. However, workers need to remember pay equity is a right and protected by law and is entirely independent of contract negotiations.  Pay equity is money that you are entitled to based on your job tasks, regardless of contract negotiations.

*(Some job titles are exempt: CNESST)